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Louisiana Iris Registrars from 1965 - 2006
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
La Perouse Rabbe, R.* 19751 A-14 48 (122)1 E Cobalt blue with sea blue infusion on falls. Clyde Redmond X Clyde Redmond
La Rona Dunn, M. 1980 L13-74-8 34-36 (86-91)1 ML Ruffled white self; dark cream line signal. Ila Nunn X Her Highness

La Stupenda La Stupenda Pryor, H.* 1994 57/90-5 38 (96) ML Stands soft rose, darker rose border, green yellow center wash; bright lime green style arms fringed deep rose; falls rose pink, darker rose border, green-yellow center wash, green line signal; ruffled. Desert Jewel X Noble Planet
  Lace 1965 (p)
  Lady Florence Redburn, S. 1974 R60-5 36 (91) M Stands rich butter yellow with purplish veins; falls slightly darker, purplish veins running full length. Violet Ray X Wheelhorse
  Lady Martha Buchamann 1964 502A 36-42 M Yellow self, green style arms. Barbara Elaine Taylor X Unregistered yellow
  Lady Mary Buchmann 1964 502B 60 M Yellow self, yellow style arms. Barbara Elaine Taylor X Unregistered yellow
  Lady’s Blush Shepard, D. 1992 88007 40 (102) M Stands pale butterscotch tan, finely veined dark butterscotch; falls gold yellow steeple signal with butterscotch veins radiating outward. Ila Nunn X Bobbie Lou
View larger image Lafayette Honey Iris
Lafayette Honey Haymon, D. 1999 FBxV-5-83 30 (76) M Ruffled tan, veined lavender; falls with green gold steeple signal, occasional line signal on stands; style arms browning tan. Fading Beauty X Valera
Lafitte’s Retreat Granger, M. 1977 70-11 24 (61)1 M Stands light power blue; short greenish yellow stylearms; falls light to medium power blue, short greenish yellow dagger-like signal. (Queen O’ Queens x King of Clubs) X unknown
Lake Hamana Lake Hamana (Bernard Pryor, R. 2001).  Sdlg. 67/96-B. LA, 35" (90 cm), EM. S. cream white, lavender line signal, feathered edge; style arms lemon, edges blushed lavender; F. lavender, white rim and reverse, bright lime green steeple signal.  Halo Dolly X Our Dorothy.
Lake Maumelle Lake Maumelle Chowning 1961 1958-5 30 M Italian blue self. Pristine Beauty X (I. hexagona x I. foliosa)
View larger image Lake Ouachita Iris
Lake Ouachita Morgan, R. 1992 L2-88-K 26 (66) M Light blue, small yellow steeple signal. L56-A, Angel Mist sib X Bayou Waters
View larger image Lake Sylvia Iris
Lake Sylvia Morgan, R. 1991 L436-B 24 (61) M Medium blue, orange yellow signal. (Everett Caradine x Clyde Redmond) X Trail of Tears
 Lake Winona
Lake Winona Rowian, H. 1985 83LA-6 31 (79) M Ruffled Italian blue, green throat at base of styles, lime line signal. Lake Maumelle X unknown

Land of Cotton Land of Cotton Dunn, M. 1999 L240-1A 38 (97) ML Creamy white, yellow line signal; style arms green, tipped white, upraised. Lina X L166-2: (Delta Dawn x Gourmet)
Laser Show Taylor, J.C.* 1991 OL108-2 47 (120) ML Stands marbled cream and magenta mauve; style arms light mauve magenta and cream; falls darker magenta, rimmed cream; yellow signal with green line. Lucile Holley X Dazzling Star
Late Arrangement Betts. T.J.*1 1979 535C 35 (89) L Medium violet with large yellow ‘candleflame’ signal; violet style arms. Mrs. Mac X May Roy Late Comer Holleyman, G. 19634 30 ML Redish-purple self; deep yellow-orange signal. (Violet Ray x Wheelhorse) X Storm Signal
Laughing Buddha Strawn, K. 1993 NN19851 38 (96) M Stands yellow lightly veined greyed green; yellow style arms; falls yellow, darker yellow signal. Sun Fury X Charjoy’s Ann
Laura Louise Mertzweiller, J. 1990 JP-3-83 28 (71) ML Yellow orange, yellow orange signal. Parentage record lost but involves President Hedley. unknown X unknown
Laura Strawn Strawn, K. 1993 11-1985 43 (109) ML Stands violet-blue; yellow style arms; falls darker violet’blue, yellow signal. Justa Reflection X Lafitte’ Retreat
Laura Cashman Arny, C. 1982 BICPiW-1-78 42 (107) M Stands white; deep cream style arms; falls pinkish tan, yellow signal; ruffled. Myra Arny X Laurel Bridgeman
Laurel Bridgeman Arny 19694 36 ML Straw yellow self, ruffled; Stands slightly fluted; large pale yellow crest. Katherine Cornay X yellow sdlg. (King’s Gold x Louise Arny)

Lavender Blush Strawn, K. 1993 J-1985 38 (96) M Stands violet; yellow-orange style arms blushed purple; falls greyed orange, yellow-orange signal. Justa Reflection X Easter Tide

Lavender Desires Faggard, A. 1986 FLAV-BT-10-83 42 (107) M Stands light lavender; falls lavender, inconspicuous light gold crest; lavender style arms, green center. unknown X unknown
Lavender Ruffles Goula, R. 1979 LB77-708 25 (64) EM Stands light lavender; falls full lavender, small yellow-gold signal; ruffled. Charlie’s Michele X unknown
View larger image Leaving Home Iris
Leaving Home Betts, T.J.* 1982 627A 41 (104) EM Lightly ruffled medium dark violet blue, triangular gold signal; self style arms. Eolian X LaPerouse
View larger image Lemon Sorbet Iris
Lemon Ice 1964

Lemon Kiss Hale, P. 1970 41LaH 24 (61) M Stands light yellow with darker splashes; falls pale yellow (near white); yellow signal. From six generations of Dorothea K. Williamson

Lemon Petticoat Pryor, H.* 1996 40/90-4 38 (97) E Stands and falls lemon white, bright orange line signal, more heavily veined on falls; style arms canary yellow; ruffled, heavily textured and dimpled. Alluvial Gold X Gladiator’s Gift
Lemon Sorbet Pryor, H.* 1995 40/90-B 35 (89) EM Lightly ruffled pale yellow, orange center line signal, veined; style arms pale yellow. Alluvial Gold X Gladiator’s Gift
Lemon Souffle Lemon Souffle (Bernard Pryor, R. 2001).  Sdlg. 16/94-A. LA, 35" (90 cm), EM. Ruffled pale lemon veined lime green, F. with lime green line signal; style arms lemon.  La Stupenda X Spanish Ballet.  Iris Haven 2001.
View larger image Lemon Zest Iris
Lemon Zest Vaughn, K. 1998 F-32-1 24-28 (61-71) M Stands bright lemon aging to creamy lemon with lemon green veins; style arms electric green; falls bright lemon yellow, intense electric green signal area; heavily ruffled, lightly serrated. Heavenly Glow X Vermilion Queen
Let Freedom Ring Let Freedom Ring (Bernard Pryor, R. 2002).  Sdlg. 35/94-B.  LA, 30" (75 cm), EM. Medium pink edged darker, aging to lemon edged pink; raised lime line signal with black tip on all petals; style arms medium pink, yellow midrib at base.  Desert Jewel X Charlotte’s Tutu.
View larger image Lightening Quick Iris
Lightening Quick Dunn, M. 1998 237-8 36 (91) M Medium yellow self. Rich and Famous X Natural Wonder
Likeable Likeable (M. D. Faith, R. 2002).  Sdlg. S67F.  LA, 42" (107 cm), M. S. light amethyst violet (RHS84C); style arms light green, crests lavender; F. aster violet (87C), light lavender wire rim, signal gold, bordered darker violet lavender; ruffled, flat form.  Rowlan sdlg., unknown, X Cajun Angel.  Faith 2002.
 Lilac Serenade
Lilac Serenade Pryor, B.* 1999 32/92-P 40 (102) EM Stands soft methyl violet, yellow line signal; style arms pallid lavender, midrib whte; falls soft methyl violet, raised yellow steeple signal; ruffled. Volcanic Wildfire X Charlotte’s Tutu
Lilli Dunn, M. 1988 L41-16 34 (86) M Ruffled pure white, yellow green line signal. Clara Goula X LaRona
Lillie Norweta Strawn, K. 1993 27-1985 43 (110) M Stands violet-blue; violet-blue style arms; falls darker violet-blue, yellow signal. King Creole X Just for Joe
Lime Dash Betts, T.J.* 1993 326A 36 (91) EM Lightly ruffled creamy yellow, strongly veined green, long green signal; green style arms. Inez Conger X 826H: (Ila Nunn x tan seedling)
Lime Star McCown, E. 1973 L-70-W 36 (91) E White with narrow greenish yellow signal. seedling X Green Tracery
Limited Edition Taylor, J.C.*1 1986 L89-2 31 (80) ML Ruffled grape violet, veined; yellow signal. Secret Spell X Helen Naish
Lineage Lineage (Richard Sloan, LA, R. 2003).  Sdlg. 96-01, LA, 38" (97 cm), M. S. cream overlaid with fine maroon line webbing; style arms cream, light green tinge at end; F. deeper than S., giving green cream effect, with fine maroon line webbing and diffuse yellow signal.  Amber River X unknown.
Lisa Durio Lisa Durio (Ken Durio, R. 2001).  Sdlg. LA-1-98D.  LA, 30" (76 cm), M. S. center full violet shading to broad pale violet edge, dark violet veining; style arms light violet; F. center dark violet shading to pale violet edge, deeper veining, full yellow signal and line crest.  Parentage unknown.
Little Bronzed Aussie Little Bronzed Aussie (Bernard Pryor, R. 2004).  Sdlg. 102/96-B.  LA, 31" (80 cm), E. S. and F. medium caramel, yellow reverse, yellow blotch signal overlaid bright orange, long steeple with caramel surround, on all pets; style arms beige with orange midrib; ruffled.  Rounded form.  Tribal Fire X Alicia Clare.
View larger image Little Caillet Iris
Little Caillet Durio, K. 1996 V1-B87 SPEC-X 25 (64) M Stands full orchid blue, veined wisteria blue, light lavender blue edging; style arms lilac, edged white; falls wisteria blue veined deeper, some light violet blue between veins; signal full golden yellow and green, with chocolate veining, mid-stripe and edge; maroon suffusion on base of foliage and scapes; slight fragrance. I. virginica light blue X Bayou Rouge
 Little Larkin
Little Larrikin Hutchinson, J.* 1998 GL/B/2 33 (84) ML Stands pale lemon yellow, veined and flushed grey lavender; style arms medium lemon, pale green wash; falls pale lime yellow, heavily veined lavender, lavender blush, small medium yellow signal; heavily ruffled; flower small, foliage fine; slight fragrance. Glowlight X unknown

  Little Miss Leighley Chowning, F. 1981 FC77-41 26 (66) ML Light gold with maroon veining, light gold signal outlined brown maroon; greenish overlay on style arms. Missey Reveley X Gold Reserve
Little Miss Sims Chowning, F. 1978 FC50 24 (61) M Raspberry purple self with thin gold signal; self style arms. From unnumbered seedling
 Little Nutkin
Little Nutkin Pryor, H. 1994 66/90-1 26 (66) ML Heavily ruffled and slightly reflexed tan-brown, yellow signal with raised orange line on all petals; light tan style arms with rosy pink infusion, yellow crests. Gladiator's Gift X Gladiator's Gift
Little Rock Skies Chowning, F. 1978 FC27 28 (71) L Light blue-green with fine gold line signal. Unnumbered seedlings of mixed I. foliosa and I. hexagona with some I. nelsonii
 Little Ruby Slippers
Little Ruby Slippers Pryor, B.* 2000 9/94-C 32 (81) EM Ruby red, lemon rim and reverse, all petals with bright yellow starburst signal and prominent yellow steeple, green base; style arms ruby red, lemon tip fringe and yellow base; heavily ruffled. 74/91-B: (Desert Jewel x Piece de Resistance) X Spanish Ballet
  Little Star Wyatt, C. 1974 LW-1-73 15 (38) M Dark blue with light yellow arrow-shaped crest and overlay of smaller arrow-shaped orange area. Finders Keepers X unknown
Little Treasure Little Treasure Pryor, B.* 1997 66/90-2 28 (71) ML Stands soft burnt caramel rose; style arms carabel rose, yellow center rib and fringe; falls dark burnt caramel rose, darker veining; yellow line signals, large on falls; ruffled. Gladiator’s Gift X self
Little Winnie
Little Winnie (Joseph Musacchia, R. 2002).  Sdlg. 99-17-2.  LA, 42" (107 cm), M. S. pink; style arms yellow green; F. dark red, signal yellow green.  Glowlight X unknown.
Little Woods
Little Woods (Patrick O’Connor, LA, R. 2004).  Zydeco 2005.
  Lizzoo Durio, K. 1992 ORS WEB#5 28 (71) ML Stands light yellow, heavily marked with dark orange veining, dark orange mid-stripe, yellow edge; falls very dark orange, full golden yellow signal, full markings between veins, light yellow-green reverse; light yellow beards. Charlie X President Hedley

Lois Setser Matheny III, E. 1999 L:00-03-96 38 (97) L Stands light pinkish lavender; style arms cream; falls pinkish lavender, yellow signal; slight musky fragrance. Rosebery X unknown
View larger image Lone Star Iris
Lone Star Campbell, F. 1997 93-182-A 30-36 (76-91)1 ML Soft blue-lavender, light lavender-violet veining, yellow crest on white ground; style arms light green base, midrib cream, heavily flushed and tipped blue-lavender; cartwheel form with six falls and no stands; light ruffled. I. hexagona X Clara Goula
View larger image Longue Vue Iris
Longue Vue Haymon, D. 1999 31-92-1 38 (97) M Stands white, overlaid pale silver to lavender, some olive veining; falls same, aging white, laced; slight sweet fragrance. Easter Tide X Dural White Butterfly
View larger image Lost For Words Iris
Lost for Words Pryor, H.* 1997 27/92-A 35 (89) EM Stands and falls soft mars orange; edges blushed rosy pink, reverse pale, maroon line signal and veining; style arms lemon, blushed-pink; lightly ruffled. 31/90-1: (Myra Amy x Lucy Payens) X Volcanic Wildfire
Lots of Joy 
Lots of Joy Pryor, H.* 2000 16/93-L 38 (97) E Stands light coral red, red veining; style arms yellow blushed coral, yellow midrib; falls coral red, lemon rim and reverse, raised elongated yellow steeple signal surrounded by red; ruffled. Ginger Fudge X Never Say
Lou Ella Goula, R. 1984 N/R 30 (75) EM Pale cream green, green line signal radiating well into all floral parts. Clara Goula X unknown
  Louie Dunn, M. 1987 L80-80-21 34 (86) M Blue purple, very slight yellow line signal. New Offering X Full Eclipse
  Louise Rix Rix, S.* 1978 N/R 30 (75) M Creamy white ground, heavily veined violet-red. unknown X unknown
  Louisiana Derby Dunn, M. 1986 L43-78-7 32 (81) EM Wine violet, inconspicuous yellow green signal. Charlie’s Michele X Blue Shield
Louisiana Fascination Arny 19694 36 ML Dawn pink self. Louise Arny X Her Highness
Louisiana Romance Arny 19694 24 M Rhodamine pink self; ruffled. Louise Arny X Joyce
Louisiana Sambo Neugebauer 1964 15 38 M Brilliant yellow self. Wheelhorse X Violet Ray
Louisiana Teddy Bear Arny, C. 1976 BR-3-73 24 (61) ML Cooper brown with gold line signal. Coffee Drip X Dean Lee
View larger image Love Me Do Iris
Love Me Do Pryor, B.* 19963 35/92-E 32(81) ML Stands and falls cerise red, pronounced white rim and reverse, bright yellow green steeple signal surrounded by yellow and white spray; heavily ruffled. Volcanic Wildfire X Spanish Ballet
Love Ya 
Love Ya Campbell, O. 1991 Y4-5 34 (86) M Stands red purple; falls darker, gold signal. (Myra Arny x This I Love) X Colorific
  Love’s Desire Davis, C. 1962 58-16 28 EM Stands pastel mauve; falls same, light purple veining, light yellow line crest. Louisiana Delight X Carol Judice
  Lovely Lookout Faggard, A. 1986 FG-2-84 45 (114)1 L Medium grape; green yellow crest; medium grape style arms; slight sweet fragrance. Twilight Mist X Neches Royalty
  Lovely Louise Chenoworth, V. 1987 BCYW-3 39 (100)1 M Dark red violet, yellow signal. Bold Cajun X Yellow Web
  Loyce West Arny, C. 1987 BIT-Y-3-85 36 (91) M Stands chrome yellow; falls chrome yellow, yellow signal. Ila Nunn X Fading Beauty
  Lucienna Faggard, A. 1984 FV-3-82 42 (107)1 E Ruffled pale light violet, thin green yellow crest; pale violet style arms. unknown X unknown
Lucile Holley Arny, C. 1979 CrY-4-73 30 (75) M Light yellow self; greenish yellow signal. Charlie’s Michele X Charjoy’s Dottie
Luck Piece Chowning 1961 1958-3 30 L Persian orange self, gold signal patch. I. brevicaulis hybrid X PLS-1, Promised Land sibling
View larger image Lucy Payens Iris
Lucy Payens Taylor, J.C.* 1990 OL113-1 59 (150)1 E Stands greyed red, lighter edge and reverse; falls greyed red, lighter edge and reverse; marble sepals. Koorawatha X Dazzling Star
Lucy's Legacy 
Lucy’s Legacy Pryor, H.* 1997 16/93-P 32 (81) ML Stands soft pink blushed rose, cream rim, pale reverse; style arms bright butter yellow; falls deep cherry red, cream rim, pale reverse, raised lime green steeple signal surrounded yellow; ruffled. Ginger Fudge X Never Say
Luke’s Ember Betts, T.J.* 1996 822C 36 (91) E Stands dark red purple, veined; style arms dark red; falls dark red purple, veined, gold spear signal. Carioca Carnival X 938B: (Deneb x Shrimp Creole)

Lulin (John C. Taylor, R. 2001).  Sdlg. SL55-2.  LA, 30" (75 cm), L. S. pink, veined, lighter toward edge and base; style arms pink, base yellow; F. pink, veined, with yellow dagger signal.  Glaidator’s Gift X Helen Naish.  Rainbow Ridge 2001/02

Lydia's Love Lydia’s Love Taylor, J.C.* 1989 M28-C 48 (122) M Light yellow. JJL3-2, Koorawatha sib X Lucile Holley
Lyle G. Williams Arny, C. 19704 42 (107) ML Stands aureolin yellow; falls aureolin; yellow line signal. Dora Dey X Tressie Cook